I'm somewhat past Battle Mountain, now, about halfway to the next town, Valmy, but there's still more to write about Battle Mountain, and there ain't nothing in between, so....
First of all, the above pic. I lifted it from
Wikipedia. It holds a certain attraction for me, because my town has its own giant letter on the side of a nearby mountain. Well, hill.
Next, the name. According to
BattleMountainTourism.com, Battle Mountain was named for a fierce battle between prospector George Tannihill, Captain Pierson, and 23 other emigrants on the one side and a whole passel of Native Americans on the other. Only problem is, there's no contemporary account of the battle, and only Tannihill's say-so that it ever happened. So Battle Mountain seems to have been named after a battle that wasn't.
Finally, the nice image below, by
Richard Masoner, who asserts that Battle Mountain is not an armpit at all. Certainly no worse than the other little towns and wide places in the road scattered around this part of the country.
Oh, by the way, I ran 5 x 800 meter intervals today. I had 6 x 800 on the schedule, but I was pressed for time, since I had to get home and drive the oldest and newest Little Jogger to school early. Oh, and the 5 wore me out completely, and I probably couldn't have run another step, but mostly it was the Little Jogger's fault.