For the second Friday in a row, I was too busy to blog anything. I did run in the morning, about four miles. When I got home from work, Grandma Jogger and her housemate were here for a visit. We visited for a while, and after supper, Mrs. Jogger and I slipped out to go to a get-together for the new pastor at our church. When we got home, Grandma has just gotten the little Joggers into bed. We stayed up and chatted for a while, and then went straight to bed. I never even had a chance to read blogs, never mind write one.
This morning, I ran ten miles again. I felt pretty good. I did get a little tired towards the end, but in fact I picked up the pace in the last half hour, trying to complete the 10 miles in an hour and a half. I missed by 29 seconds, but I still consider it a good time. I'm a little sore now, but still high on endorphins.
Above, you see me with a picture of country music singer Rex Allen, Jr., taken in Brimfield Illinois. I just couldn't resist the jacket.
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