Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 1245 -- Burlington-Ft Kent Ferry

I've been looking forward to this part of the trip. Mapquest has me taking the Burlington-Fort Kent Ferry across Lake Champlain. So what am I supposed to do about the miles? If I were really there, I couldn't run the nine miles across the lake. And if I were driving, I'd get on the ferry, and take it across, not putting any mileage on my car. Yet, somehow, I feel vaguely that it would be cheating to just disappear on the west side of the lake and appear on the other. So I'm counting the miles. Today, I ran 1 mile out into the lake. I must have been going pretty fast.

This photo of the view from the ferry is from Squidoo.

Normally, when you don't hear from me for four days, I come back and say, "I've been running, but not blogging." But for the last four days, I haven't been running. There's no special reason for that. I haven't been hurt. I just haven't felt like getting up and running. It felt pretty good this morning when I went out and ran five. I'm going to try to get back into a routine.