Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 1360 -- Deepwater

I'm pretty close to Deepwater, NJ, and my Google search turned up the Deepwater Diner. OK, it's in Carney's Point. But Carney's Point isn't too far away from here, either. I got the photo from a blog called Diner Hunter, who says it has "solid tasty diner food". And you'd think, if he has a whole blog about it, that he would know.

Tuesday night, I was up late, waiting to pick up the Oldest and Newest Little Jogger after an away soccer game. So it was really, really hard to tear myself out of bed Wednesday morning, but I did it! I got changed, walked out the door, and heard the rumble of thunder. Crap. As it turned out, the thunderstorm never did get that close, but I couldn't know that. So I skipped yesterday.

Last night, I got to bed on time, and should have been able to get up and get moving, but I didn't. Fortunately, it's summer vacation, so I could get in a nooner, which I did.