Thursday, July 12, 2007

Got lucky today

It didn't start out like luck. The medium Little Jogger and I mowed the yard, and when we done, even though it is somewhat cooler than it has been, we decided to have a couple of popsicles. Well, we ate the last two of the good kind of popsicles. And when the medium Little Jogger found that out, he was upset. So, I went down to the chest freezer downstairs to see if there were any more of the good popsicles. There weren't, but oddly, the bad popsicles were kind of slushy. So we felt around, and realized that the chest freezer had become a chest non-freezer. But, because we noticed so early, only the stuff like the popsicles had thawed. The meat was all heavier, so absorbed less heat. So we got it all out into the little freezer upstairs. But it could have been really bad. So I'm glad that we ate the last of the good popsicles.