Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cue sound of Jogger's jaw hitting the floor

I pretty much stay out of the political stuff, because other people do it so much better than I do. However, this one simply floored me.

From Echidna of the Snakes (via Shakespeare's Sister, who is one of my regular reads.)

Apparently, there are people out there who seriously argue that women shouldn't have the vote. Here's the money quote for me:

I think that voting should be a family affair with the wife putting in her input, but the man ultimately deciding on which candidate he votes for. I think women are too emotional and often vote for the "bleeding heart liberal" cause because it feels right to them. When I tell folks my view on this they always ask if I vote. Yes, I do because my husband wants me to.

My flabber is completely gasted.


Addy N. said...

Wow- talk about living in the dark ages- I guess this same person believes that a woman's husband (or owner by her definition) should also decide how many children she should have... I know there are people with antiquated views out there, but haven't seen them aired so openly (unless they're coming from Ann Coulter)

USJogger said...

This woman obviously doesn't know the same women I know. I can just imagine the gale of laughter if I suggested to Mrs. Jogger that I would be telling her how and when to vote.