Friday, February 23, 2007

I've been tagged! I've been tagged!

This is the first time I've actually been tagged with a meme. It's a hard one, too, because there isn't anything weird about me.

10 Weird Things About Me

  1. I like all my clothing hanging with the shirts facing in the same direction.
  2. I get up at 5:15 am to run around in circles.
  3. I have over 50 ties. I usually wear each one about once a year.
  4. I eat the crust on my sandwich first.
  5. I'd rather do dishes than laundry.
  6. I regularly have dreams where I realize that I'm dreaming, and I dream I wake up, but I'm still dreaming, and pretty soon I realize that I'm dreaming, and I dream I wake up, but I'm still dreaming, etc.
  7. I remember TV ads, but I rarely remember the products. Advertisers hate that.
  8. I visited every state that touches Missouri before I ever visited Missouri.
  9. Once when I was taking notes for a friend in math history class, I took them in mirror image.
  10. I can sing "The Ballad of Doris and Edmund" by Christine Lavin. Just not well.

Hat tip to Mrs. Jogger, who somehow managed to think of a lot more weird things than I did. In fact, she listed a lot of perfrectly normal stuff that she claimed was weird.

Let's see, I'm not sure there's anyone for me to tag who hasn't already played. So if you're reading this, and you have a blog, and you haven't played, and you want to, well....Tag! You're it!