Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 739 -- Eltopia

Well, I couldn't find a reasonable way to add myself to this photo, but I nonetheless couldn't resist: crop circles! Yes, folks, this photo was posted by someone who seems to think that crop circles are evidence of some extra-terrestrial visitors, come to earth to crush the corn. They say,
If you are one who believes that 'most' or 'all' of the Circles are made by miscreants, consider asking yourself upon what proof, what documentation or evidence, you're basing your beliefs.

Yes, that makes sense. If I don't have good evidence that the circles are made by drunken frat boys, the inevitable conclusion is that they are made by Awful Green Things from Outer Space. Got it.

I ran outside again today. It was cold, but I bundled up. I felt pretty good as soon as I lost the feeling in my face. I did run into someone who was jogging in shorts. Works for him, I guess.


Ryan said...

Funny how photos of my dad's farm end up at random places online...

Ryan said...

Funny how photos of my dad's farm end up at random places online...