Saturday, January 30, 2010

Days 1053 and 1054 -- County Seat

From Flikr, the county courthouse in my county. I haven't been over there, lately, but I don't think the grass is quite this green right now.

I'm a little south of the county seat, just about 12 miles from my house. I expect to be here on Tuesday.

I ran four miles yesterday, and five this morning, both at the fitness center. I pushed the pace a little yesterday, but just took it easy today.

I have been watching TV at the fitness center. Mostly I watch Sports Center, because you don't really need to pay attention. You just kind of let the slam dunks and touchdown dances flow over you. I don't have sound. Sometimes, I turn on the closed captioning, and sometimes I turn it off.

I mention this, because the closed captioning itself can be kind of fun. Sometimes it's funny to see how something comes out. Often, I can figure out what the announcer really said, but some times, it's a mystery. This morning, they had a piece about retiring quarterback Kurt Warner. The special features reporter took four or five minutes to recap his career -- you know, the usual stuff. Then they went back to the studio, and the first thing the studio guy said, according to the closed captioning, was "Chicken skin." I'm still puzzling over that one.