Friday, November 10, 2006

Day 219 -- Ottumwa

I'm not quite to Ottumwa, but there's not much in the area, and I've got several good Ottumwa places I can visit. This is Ottumwa High School, where I have actually been, once in my life. There was a regional speech contest there when I was in High School. As I recall, I got 2's (on a scale of 1 to 3) on both my speeches, which at the time was a disappointment, but now, a mere 25 years later, I'm completely over it.

I didn't run yesterday. My left knee has been giving me a little trouble, and then all of a sudden on Wednesday, my right knee started acting up. So I took yesterday off, which I think was a good idea. Both knees are better today, if not completely normal. I'm afraid I'm going to have to see a physical therapist if they don't settle down.

The big problem with taking a day off is that without my daily shot of endorphins, yesterday was a pretty rough day, particularly in the morning. It didn't help that it was a day of swatting mosquitoes. No big thing to do, but a million little tasks that seemed to multiply even as I got them done. So it was frustrating, but I made it through. Today I ran five miles, and my morning went better.