Thursday, January 04, 2007

Rube Goldberg

By popular request (OK, one anonymous poster asked), here is the First Little Jogger's Rube Goldberg machine. To activate the thing, pour marbles onto the wheel (1), which pulls the rope through the pulley (2), which lifts the weight off the lever (3), which allows the spring to pull the weight up the inclined plane (4), knocking the ball into the cup, which pulls the rope through the second pulley (5), which lifts the weight off the can, allowing the smaller can to lift it using the second lever (6).

This machine got second place, and it deserved it. The winning machine was so much more carefully crafted. Ours was made out of cardboard and tape. Theirs was made out of wood and screws. Ours had stuff stuck wherever we could fit it. Theirs had a careful plan and everything laid out in measured spots. Ours had six simple machine. Theirs had 12. It was actually closer than I thought it would be, partly because there weren't really any style points in the grading rubrics. Also, theirs didn't work at first, so they lost a few points. Ours worked on the first try. (That's not a tribute to us. It failed the second time.)