Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Day 361 -- More Crescent Lake

I didn't think I should leave the Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge without seeing some wildlife. This is a willet and her chick. According to the web site, she is uncommon in the spring and summer, so I should be grateful that I got to see her. Other birds that I might stumble across (but only if someone is nice enough to post a photo, I suppose) include the Pied-billed Grebe, the American Bittern, the White-faced Ibis, the Northern Shoveler, the Greater Scaup, the Lesser Scaup, the Philadelphia Vireo, and the Purple Martin. And that's just a taste. The Crescent Lake web site has an extensive bird list.

I ran an easy 3 miles this morning. I'm not pushing myself at all this week. I'm just trying to stay loose for the half marathon on Sunday.