Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 1276 -- Fryeburg

From Becky's Picassa Album, a picture of the Fryeburg Fair, in Fryeburg, ME. You have to look closely to spot the Jogger.

After a long run Friday, I was only due for a short run on Sunday. But I didn't even do that. I went with the boys up to the Wisconsin Dells, to visit the Kalahari Resorts Indoor Theme Park, with the Medium Little Jogger's 4H group. It was fun, but I got plenty of exercise, if not aerobic exercise. My favorite was the Laser Tag! I did OK, but never beat the Medium's friend Hurricane Andrew.

I could have run yesterday, but I didn't. It was Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, and the kids had the day off school. It snowed fairly consistently all day, and we just stayed in and cocooned.

So today, I got up and ran six miles at a relaxed pace. It was good. I managed the whole run with no breaks. Now I want to get back on schedule. We'll see.