Monday, July 10, 2006

Day 125 -- Wright Patterson AFB

I'm about to the beginning of Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I say the beginning, because it will probably take me a day's run to pass it. This thing is ginormous. It's 11.8 square miles, which is 1/5 the size of Dayton itself. (It's about half the size of Manhatten.) About 22,000 people work here (10,000 of them civilians), making it the fifth largest employer in Ohio.

This photo comes from Kallahar's Place.


Addy N. said...

Wright-Pat, eh? Guess you'll be heading down here to Oxford pretty soon. Which route are you going to take?

USJogger said...

I told Mapquest "Shortest Distance," so I'm going pretty much straight down, through Greenbush and Somerville. I'll be coming in to Oxford on Bonham Road. A rough estimate is 35 more miles, which is 6 or 7 days of running.