Sunday, March 23, 2008

Days 572 and 573 -- Pyramid Lake

Somewhat north and a little bit west of where I'm running is the The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribes' Reservation. This is Pyramid Rock, for which the lake is named. I'm not really close enough to have my photo taken in front of this rock. On the other hand, last week I snuck in a photo from SW Wisconsin, so this isn't so bad.

I ran yesterday and today. Both runs were in the late morning. Yesterday, I didn't figure that popping out of bed first thing in the morning was worth it. By late morning, it figured to be warmer and less icy. There were still some patches of ice, but for the most part, it was OK. The temperature was in the mid thirties, with a little bit of wind. Today, I ran after church. We went to the early service, so I was out while quite a few people were still in church, which made for very little traffic.

Both runs were just maintenance runs, 5 miles yesterday and 3.4 today. I'm planning my long run for tomorrow morning. I have one more day of spring break left. Classes don't start until Tuesday. However, the Little Joggers go back to school tomorrow. So tomorrow will be a good day to just go out and run half the morning.

The schedule says 15 miles tomorrow, but I don't know. I haven't felt particularly strong these last few days. I've absolutely decided that if I can't make my scheduled long runs every weekend from now through April, then I'm going to drop from the marathon to the half marathon in May. So there's a lot raiding on tomorrow's run. We'll see how it goes.