Friday, April 28, 2006

Day 73 -- Banana Peels

I went for a nice long run this morning. I woke up before the alarm, so I got out early, and I'm guessing I'm not going to get to run tomorrow or the next day. It's threatening to rain all weekend.

The weirdest thing that happened today happened in the real world (as opposed to Pennsylvania.) I'm running along, and there's a banana peel by the side of the road. I kind of notice it, but it's not like trash is exactly unusual. Then a couple hundred yards later, there's another banana peel. And a couple of hundred yards later, there's another one. Three was all I found, but still it was strange. And if it was one person, and he was driving and throwing the peels out the window, he must have been pounding the things down. They weren't that far apart.

This image is from a photoshop tutorial by "Maestro Calhoun." Thanks, Maestro.