Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Day 540 -- Rixies, Nevada

Seven miles today takes me just about exactly to Rixies, Nevada, but I'll be damned if I can find any decent images to post. So, I went ahead and designed the album cover for "By Your Friends", the newest album from The Rixies.

In other news, Mother Nature has dumped a mess of snow on our neighborhood. Again. The Little Joggers had a snow day, and they even closed the University Campus at 2:00. Alas, my only real class was at 11 this morning, so it met. I also had my Calc study group from 1 to 3. After 2, I told my students that they were there without authorization, and one raised a fist and cried, "Fight the Power!" You've got to admit, it's gratifying to have students who aren't looking for an excuse not to work. I mean, they do have an assignment due tomorrow, but still, they are working on it, instead of seizing on an excuse to blow it off.