Thursday, February 05, 2009

Day 786 -- Smokejumpers

This is Randy Fenn, one of the Grangeville Smokejumpers. They cover Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests. As you can see, I am calm and collected as I plummet ahead of Randy without a chute. Wait a second! Without a chute? What am I doing? I want out of this photo!

Welcome to everyone who has come over to join the FFFK. I'm happy that the word is spreading. As you have probably guessed, it wasn't about Nancy at all. It was a desperate plea for attention. After all, she's safe and snug in her Iowa home, and I'm falling out of an airplane over northern Idaho without a chute. I need all the friends I can get.

I only managed three miles again today. Dad's Taxi Service had another early delivery, this time both girls, one to basketball practice and one to band practice. I promise to get in a good long run over the weekend. I hope to actually get out of Clearwater National Forest some day.


Mel-2nd Chances said...

job well done on getting attention :) i think it worked!

Michelle said...

Attention is always a good thing!!!!