Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Day 880 -- More Bighorn National Forest

Steamboat Point seems to be a fairly popular thing to photograph in Bighorn National Forest. It's easy to see why; it's very impressive. This particular photo is from Panoramio. I'm not actually near Steamboat Point. It's north of where I'm running.

I finally got in my long run that I had planned for Sunday. I ran 15.4 miles in just under three hours. It felt pretty good, all told. I felt stronger than I did on my 14 mile run last week. Now I'll have to see what I can do this weekend. It's a drop-back week, so I'm only scheduled for 12 miles, but I may not even do that, because I'll have only five days between now and Sunday. We'll see.

The first Little Jogger is going to join the Cross Country team at the high school this fall. Yesterday, she brought home her summer training schedule. It's pretty flexible. They will run together two days a week, and other than that, she is just supposed to put in 600 total minutes of running over the summer. I'm excited. I'd like to see her get serious about this, and I think that she has a chance to be good. But I'm trying not to push her. She'll decide how much effort she wants to put into it.