Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 884 -- Flag Day

You know that you're gearing up for a marathon when you use the word "only" in talking about a 12 mile run....

Since I only ran 12 miles today, I decided to pick up the pace a little. I managed 12.3 miles in 2:08. That's a 10:25 pace, which projects to a 4 hour and 33 minute marathon. No problem. Of course, I have a long way to go before I can hold that pace for over twice that distance, but overall, I think I'm doing OK. It's 14 weeks to the marathon, and I'm pleased with where I am.

It helps that the heat hasn't hit, yet. It was a comfortable 60 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. One would expect a little more heat and a lot more humidity by the middle of June in Wisconsin. But so far, we've been lucky. We'll see what next week brings.