Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 1088 -- Lambeau Field

No visit to Wisconsin would be complete without a trip to Lambeau Field, the home of the Green Bay Packers. I chose this particular photo of Lambeau, from Askville, because this is what the stadium looked like the only time I was ever in it. In May of 2008, I ran the Cellcom Green Bay Half Marathon, which finishes with one lap around the inside of Lambeau. Of course, in the spring, it's not full of rabid football fans, but it still gave me a thrill to run through it. For bonus coolness, below is the Lambeau Atrium.

It was a beautiful day for a run today. It was about 55 degrees and mostly sunny. A little bit windier than the ideal, I guess, but it wasn't too bad. I knew from the outset that I wasn't going to have an easy time. So I tried to take it slow, and in fact, I feel like I kept a pretty steady pace for all 17.8 miles. I did do a little bit more walking in the last few miles than I had planned, but I also finished the run, and I feel good about it.

The day has just slipped away from me. I slept fairly late, and with the time change, that turned into really late. I didn't actually have to rush to get ready for church, but I also didn't have any extra time. After church, I went out for my run, and that took a little over three hours. With warm-up, cool-down, and a shower, I really didn't even sit down to the computer until 5:00. I'm really, really glad that it is Spring Break, and I don't have work to do before tomorrow.