Saturday, August 07, 2010

Day 1188 -- Wilmot

As you can see from this sign (lifted from, Wilmot, ON, is home to Castle Kilbride. The castle is the most important historical building in Wilmot Township. Or so they claim on their web site.

It was hard to get started this morning. I was fairly tired, and had to drag myself out of bed. Then I noticed that it was pouring rain. Ugh. But I hadn't run yesterday, so I had to go. That first step out into the rain was a tough one. But once I got going, I was OK. And pretty soon the rain dropped off, leaving just a few puddles to avoid.

That was in Grandma's town, but in the mid-morning, we jumped into the car and drove back up to Joggerville. It's good to be home. I'm planning to relax a little this weekend, and then on Monday I really need to be thinking about classes for Fall.