Friday, February 03, 2006

Day 20 -- Prison Museum

I ran a quick 3 miles this morning. I had to get to school early, because I needed to get some work done, and I expected (and got) a load of students.

I'm pretty close to Mount Holly, so I thought that I should stop in to the Historic Prison Museum. The Burlington County Prison Museum is a National Historic Landmark located in historic Mount Holly. Designed by Robert Mills, one of America 's first native-born and trained architects, the Burlington County Prison was completed in 1811. One of Robert Mills' first designs as an independent architect, the interior vaulted ceilings of poured concrete and brick and stone construction made the building virtually fireproof. In fact, it was so well constructed that it remained in constant use until 1965. Can't beat that with a stick.

I'm pretty firmly in the Philly suburbs at this point. I'm about 20 miles out from the Liberty Bell, so I should get there next week.