Monday, October 01, 2007

Day 455 -- More Vernal

I'm eight or nine miles outside of Vernal, but I didn't want to leave without posing in front of the big pink dinosaurs. Yes, plural. The one above, from a blog called Big Bonton, seems to be just a road sign for Vernal. The one below, from, is advertising a particular hotel. No word from The World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things which is the World's Largest Big Pink Dinosaur. Erika, you are slacking.

I ran three miles this morning. There was a light rain when I first left the house, but it ended before I could get too wet.


Anonymous said...

You have photo-shopped at least one of your pink dinosaur photos. You DID NOT pose in front of the one that is advertising the motel. They are the SAME dinosaur. It's origional purpose and location were the sign for the motel, when the motel closed and they tore it down, the owners donated the sign to the city and moved it to a new location and gave it a new sign. Nice try making it "plural".

Unknown said...

OK, you caught me. But that is the only photo in the whole of JogAmericaBlog that I photoshopped.