Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Day 686 -- Cottage Grove

I couldn't resist this one, even though I don't have the patience to photoshop myself into it in any convincing way. This is the World's Largest Toga Party, 2166 people, held on August 30, 2003. I don't know whether the record still stands. The party was held in Cottage Grove, Oregon, because the parade scene of the movie National Lampoon's Animal House was filmed in Cottage Grove in 1977.

OK, if you must see me, here I am on the family farm of Carolyn Colson, farmer, environmentalist, and home chef.

I had a good run today. For some insane reason, I scheduled another pace run two days after the half marathon. It was one of those things that I didn't quite think through when I put the schedule together. So, I went an did it. Eight miles in just about exactly 80 minutes. It felt good. There was a little light rain long about the 7th mile, but frankly, at that point, I enjoyed it.