Thursday, December 03, 2009

Days 1011 and 1012 -- Rogers

I'm away from my home computer, so you're going to have to imagine me running in front of the City Center Restaurant in Rogers, MN. I'm sure that the folks at Sabongi Consulting Group, which did the design for the remodeling, prefer not to have their artistic vision interrupted by a sweaty marathoner, anyway.

I ran a solid six miles yesterday, but didn't get a chance to blog it. I spent a lot of time last night proofreading my exams. Which I'm giving tonight. Right now. That's why I'm away from my home computer. I did also get in a quick three this morning.

We got our first snow today. It's been coming down lightly but steadily all day, and it's finally managed to build up to about a half an inch or so. It hadn't started early this morning, so it didn't interrupt my run. But it may do so tomorrow. Hello, Snap Fitness!