Friday, September 22, 2006

"You're fired."

I got a letter from the Educational Testing Service, the entity that runs the Advanced Placement program. I have been an AP Reader for statistics in four of the past five years. No more.
The AP Program carefully reviews the performance of individual readers--both during and after each annual AP Reading--in order to ensure the quality of the Reading process that is of critical importance to the validity of the AP Program. A review of your past Reading performance, as documented in your Reading statistics and written evaluation, has resulted in the removal of your name from the pool of qualified AP Readers.


The galling thing is that I had no idea that this was coming. I've been doing this job for four years, and I didn't even realize that I suck at it. I don't know how many of these letters go out a year. Not many. The majority of readers return year after year. So here I am, in the bottom 5% of all readers, and I didn't even know that I was below average. Frankly, I thought that I was above average. I can be pretty thick some times, but this points to a serious communications problem.

I really do feel bad. I'm not a total perfectionist, but I take pride in the work that I do. I try hard to meet and in most cases exceed what's expected of me. I hate to disappoint, but apparently that's what I have been doing.


Addy N. said...

Hi Jogger: Just checking in. I'm sorry about that. Try not to feel too bad!

USJogger said...

"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I can't change, the strength to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Well, the Lord has granted me enough wisdom to recognize that this is firmly in the "can't change" category. So serenity is what's called for.

One boatload of serenity, coming right up.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad--I received the EXACT same letter (they don't even have the imagination to be original), and this was after 12 YEARS reading for AP.

Hmmmm...What does this say about AP? I wonder who is the incompetent one here?

I, too, was blindsided. One of my table leaders even said he'd be recommending me for table leader.

It really makes you wonder...

Best, P'od