Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 638 -- More Leggett

I guess now I'm really in the heart of Redwood Country. This is the "Grandfather Tree," 2000 years old and 24 feet in diameter. In front of it (besides me), you see jazz guitarist Steven Crowell. If you'd like to see him and the Grandfather Tree in person, you could sign up for the Third Annual Jazz Guitar in the Redwoods seminar. No, wait, it was last September. Well, maybe there will be a Fourth Annual Jazz Guitar in the Redwoods.

Today was a scheduled easy day, and easy I did. Just three miles, at somewhat less than blinding speed. One of those days when my old running mentor used to say we might get passed by an arthritic turtle.

It was also the second day of the Cub Scout Day Camp. It went fine, but those boys are wearing me out. Walkers who are there all four days (which I plan to be) get a t-shirt. This may not be enough. I think I'm going to need cash money to do it next year.